Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Sut i ddefnyddio'r adnodd hwn

  • 2

    1. Trosolwg

    • Cyflwyniad

    • Cwis

    • Trosolwg o Gwricwlwm Cymru

    • Dogfen Ategol

  • 3

    2. Trosolwg o AoLE

    • Dogfen Ategol

    • Trosolwg o AoLE Mathemateg a Rhifedd

    • Rachael Fisher - Deputy Headteacher (St Cadoc's Catholic Primary School)

    • Dafydd Gwyn (Welsh) - Mathematics Supporting Improvement Advisor (GwE)

  • 4

    3. Egwyddorion Dilyniant

    • Dogfen Ategol

    • Egwyddorion Dilyniant

  • 5

    4. Ffordd Ymlaen

    • Dogfen Ategol

    • Ffordd Ymlaen



Lynwen Barnsley

MATHEMATICS & NUMERACY – Lynwen Barnsley provides training and support for schools in all aspects of mathematics and numeracy. Her training courses focus on the why and how of teaching mathematics, providing practical ideas and approaches that ensure learners “make sense” of maths and develop as independent mathematical thinkers. Her training covers a wide range of ideas and topics, such as developing numerical reasoning, the concrete-pictorial-abstract approach, bar modelling, mastery, problem-solving, mathematical communication and thinking, fluency and flexibility with mathematical ideas, assessment for learning, creativity and using numeracy across the curriculum in meaningful ways. Her Digit Dog character and blog are used in many classrooms to develop mathematical thinking and reasoning in young learners.