Course curriculum

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    • How to use this resource

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    Curriculum for Wales Guidance

    • Curriculum for Wales Guidance Document

    • Curriculum for Wales Guidance Document - Cymraeg

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    1. Overview of Curriculum for Wales

    • The New Welsh Curriculum: What makes it so different? - Welsh Government (video)

    • True or False Quiz

    • Curriculum For Wales - Welsh Government (video)

    • Cross Curricular Skills by AoLE

    • Generic Overview of Curriculum for Wales Guidance

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    2. Overview of Science & Technology AoLE

    • Professor Tom Crick - Chair of Science & Technology AoLE Group

    • Clare Hoey (Welsh) - Deputy Headteacher Y G Ifor Hael

    • Chapter 2 - Supporting Docs

    • Science & Technology Overview

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    3. Design Technology (SWM 2)

    • Chapter 3 - Design Technology (WM3)

    • Red, Amber & Green Quiz

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    4. Computer Science (SWM 6)

    • Chapter 4 - Computer Science (SWM 6)

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    5. Science (SWM 1, 3, 4 and 5)

    • Chapter 5 - Supporting Documents

    • Chapter 5 - WM 1, 3, 4 and 5

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    6. Ways Forward

    • Chapter 6 - Supporting Documents

    • Chapter 6 - Ways Forward



Karen Mills

SCIENCE and OUTDOOR LEARNING – Karen Mills is passionate about Science and Outdoor Learning. She was the Curriculum Improvement Advisor for Science and ESDGC for Newport CC, as well as the regional coordinator for ESDGC Schools Networks. She has an M.A. in Early Years Education. Karen was a member of the working party for DCELLS Science Curriculum 2008. She was co-author of Module 6 for the Foundation Phase and was a member of the WAG working group that developed ESDGC ‘A Common Understanding for Schools’.


Nerys Tudor Jones

DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY – Nerys has 20 years teaching experience in Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2. She was senior leader in two schools and Deputy Head Teacher for 6 years. Nerys has also worked on Welsh Government projects writing new materials and producing resources, including assessments and examples of best practice. She has presented at several national conferences on various successful design and technology projects including food technology, computer aided designs, healthy eating weeks, electrical and computer control. Nerys is an author of educational books and has worked on various projects with the Design and Technology Association including ‘Projects on a Page’.


Gareth Morgan

DIGITAL COMPETENCE and DCF – Primary school teaching career began in 1996, then in 2003 he joined Newport LA eventually becoming ICT curriculum improvement adviser. For over 20 years Gareth Morgan has worked across Wales providing advice, support and training in the use of ICT as a curriculum subject, and also in its effective use across the curriculum to schools. He has an MSc in eLearning and has a strong interest in the effective use of ‘cloud technologies’ such as G Suite for Education and Microsoft O365 in the classroom. Gareth was also previously employed by the Welsh Government as their ICT subject adviser, where he worked closely on what it means for pupils to be digital competent and developing online communities within the Hwb platform.